Thursday, February 23, 2012

Wee gingerbread and podcasting

Being a folk Victorian tenant farmer's house, The Little Victorian is not the ornate, gingerbread-y thing one might imagine, but this snapshot shows a few of her period details. Actually, the house across the street is what you imagine, but that's where the wealthy people lived back in the day. And that's why this is the little Victorian. The big one is over yonder.

Well! Onto another subject entirely. So I had the opportunity to join in on the recording of a podcast, which was pretty exciting. The official discussion was a bit over an hour, but I think we were coming up on four hours when we all got off of Skype. At some point it became clear that the host was still recording our unofficial conversation, most of which I have to admit I hope never sees the light of day. Perhaps due to a combination of red wine and exhaustion after a long day I got caught up and kept forgetting that recording was still happening. On the flip side, there were bits in amongst those hours that were in fact very much on topic-- that topic being Michael, the kindly werewolf/nursing student, who was the primary guest of the show. The whole kit and kaboodle was fun and both the guys were great. Will post when the podcast is available.

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